Growers make numerous decisions every year. The wrong ones can be costly.
What if plants could signal to growers exactly what they need – when they need them?
Using natural pigments, our plants signal specific problems to growers.
Now growers can treat their crops exactly when, precisely where, and only if necessary.
Building a More Sustainable Agriculture System
The Challenge
Crop production is a series of complex decisions to deliver profitability on every acre. As operations become larger, every decision costs more – for the grower, the crop, and the environment.
Our Solution
We’re using patented genes to create plants that use their natural pigments to show farmers which specific stress they are experiencing – before typical symptoms appear.
Agriculture's Result
When growers are enabled to treat their crops exactly when, precisely where, and only if necessary, we will see: more profitable growers, more productive acres, and more sustainable agriculture
How it Works
Growers aren’t looking for another data point. They’re looking for answers.
The Insignum system helps them by turning precision ag into decision ag.
Proven Results: Trust What You Can See
The Insignum system allows the plant to send stress signals before visible symptoms appear, allowing growers to act early and protect yield. Exactly when, precisely where, only if. Acre by acre, plant by plant.
We’ve had our first product – disease detection in corn – in field testing for four years. We’ll let the results speak for themselves.
Early Detection is a Game-Changer
What would you do if you knew you were getting sick before you experienced a single symptom? You would take steps to strengthen your immune system to reduce the impact of the illness. Just like us, plants are under attack from numerous stresses from the minute the seed goes in the ground to the time the crop is harvested.
With the Insignum system, the plant leaf shows purple signals when pathogens first infect and before damage is done. This 10-day advanced notice allows growers to make timely and precise treatment decisions, making fungicide applications more effective and reducing the disease's impact on crop yield. Growers can now save yields from devastating disease OR save costs on unnecessary crop protection, if no disease is present.
Improving Efficiency across the Operation
The Insignum system alerts growers to stresses throughout the plant -- not just on the leaves. Purple signals within the stalk indicate a stem rot infection is setting in. As stem rots progress, plants lose their strength and standability, leading to harvest challenges and yield losses.
By giving growers advanced notice which fields are experiencing stem rot pressures, they can prioritize harvest schedules and make decisions to maximize their time at harvest and protect valuable yield.
Visible from Aerial Imagery
Multiple aerial imagery flights have detected the purple signals indicating disease stress. This detection enables growers to explore the field (or section of the field) that is signaling stress. With the Insignum system, growers can improve scouting efficiency whether their method is boots on the ground or drones in the air.
Agronomist-Verified Results
An independent agronomist verified our 10-day advanced notice in 2023. Disease scores were collected throughout the growing season. The graph shows when the purple signals appeared vs. when disease symptoms were visible to the naked eye, proving with the Insignum system growers have the ability to make confident decisions about treating their crops -- exactly when, precisely where, and only if needed.
Every year some people regret not spraying…
I would put this in every hybrid.
— Dave Kraushaar, Illinois Wyffels corn seed dealer
I would recommend this [to soybean farmers] 10/10.
— Jared Glunt, Indiana Beck’s Hybrids seed dealer
As we head toward commercialization, we’re looking for partners who want to shape the future of agriculture. Whether it’s investment dollars, germplasm collaboration, testing opportunities, or just sharing feedback, we’d like to hear from you.